Breed Specific Training Techniques | Purebred Breeders LLC




Training is a good opportunity for you to establish a solid bond with your dog. Initially, purebred breeders will have done some training prior to your adoption, but the way you train your dog forms the basis of your dog’s life and shapes up his/her personality.





Every dog is different and has a different purpose to serve. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize their strengths and train them for the best outcome. Training is a way to mold your canine appropriately so that he/she is able to perform his/her acts better in a more disciplined manner. Training begins the day you bring your puppy home and make him/her a part of your family. It is only through this training at home that you lay the foundation of your dog’s life and of a lifelong dog-owner partnership. Even though a dog has the basic instincts to learn how to sit, walk, behave, or work, training makes him/her perfect and more confident.





Training a puppy is similar to training a child. A child starts learning his basics at home and when sent to school, learns the techniques of doing the same things in a better way. Similar is the case with dogs. When you make them undergo training, they learn new techniques and become more efficient. Not all dogs have the same training techniques; they differ from breed to breed. Therefore, training for each breed should be tailored accordingly.





The Strong willed Dogs



Dachshunds and Coolies are some breeds that fall in this category and purebred breeders can tell you they are generally loving and approachable dogs. They are highly tenacious and tend to get irritable and jealous. However, they are very obedient and loyal to their owners. They do not let strangers enter your home and make for excellent guard dogs. On the flip side, they can get yappy as they tend to keep barking. Bark Collars maybe a good option here. In the daytime, the collar will prevent them from barking and at night, after your remove it, they can continue to work normally.





Resolute dogs can be difficult to train, as they get peevish if told to obey. They also need to be handled with care as they tend be more sensitive than the other breeds. However, if trained from an early age and handled with patience and care, they can be trained well.



The Impatient Dogs



Terriers are one breed of dogs that lack patience and get distracted very soon. It is very difficult to keep them focused and on track. Therefore, they need to be trained to remain focused. They can be trained at home by treats and toys. Always make sure they are listening to you and are looking at you while you give them instructions.





The Aggressive and Energetic Dogs



Dogs like German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniel, and Jack Russell Terriers are aggressive dogs. They need to be trained to channel their energy in the right direction so that they do not get destructive. A Jack Russell Terrier, if not trained from the beginning, develops the habit of digging and biting.  An energetic dog like the Dalmatian is very vivacious and needs to be challenged constantly. Pitbulls are considered to be more aggressive compared to other breeds, but can be very sociable and friendly if trained well from an early age. Only through training, dogs of this nature can be made sociable.





Aggressive and highly energetic dogs should be trained when they are puppies by purebred breeders. They need close attention and positive reinforcement during training. A training program that has delicious rewards at the end makes them very happy and prepares them for more training.





Socializing these dogs is also very important. The more they mingle with other people and other dogs, the better they learn to behave in public. Only when they encounter a new situation that they don’t understand, do they behave aggressively. Therefore, the more you expose them to varied situations and put them around different people, the sooner they understand when to be aggressive and when to be sober. They understand the right ways to behave in particular situations. It is advisable to train aggressive dogs with professional trainers and direct them towards the right way.





The House Dogs



As purebred breeders can tell you, these dogs love to be around people and care for their owners. They make great companions, are easy to manage and are very social. You can start training them by using simple commands like ‘sit’, ‘up’, ‘fetch’, ‘bed’ etc. By keeping a watch on their actions, you can correct them at the very moment they falter. Dogs like Pomeranian, Lhasa Apso, toy poodles belong to this category. Chihuahuas are known to be aggressive to everyone except their owners. If they are socialized well with other people and dogs from an early age, they will be more comfortable around them.





Training small house breeds can be taxing at times; they are so quick that it is hard to understand what they are doing. They tend to urinate more frequently, and are prone to more accidents. To coach them for using the right place for the right job, you can



  • Train them to go to the bathroom frequently.


  • Keep them close while working so that they don’t disappear.


  • Watch for signs that indicate that they are looking for a place to relieve. Command your dog to go out as soon as you understand what he/she is trying to do.




The Working Dogs



The working dogs are bred to perform difficult tasks that demand rigorous training. They guard homes, hunt, work in the military, and make great companions. They have sharp senses that are used for detecting drugs and explosives; their discerning ability is utilized in wars and for helping the physically challenged and the needy in everyday life.





Obedience training is a must for them that can be started at home by using commands like ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stay’, ‘come’ etc. These commands are good to begin with. As they grow up, the training needs to get more challenging.





Even though you can train them at home, it is advisable to train them with the help of professional trainers for best results. Their aggressiveness needs to be directed in the right way so that it is effectively utilized. Through training, their attributes can be sharpened, directing them towards the actions they are expected to perform.





The Therapy Dogs



Therapy dogs heal patients by keeping them company and assisting them in everyday activity. To be a therapy dog, a canine needs to be trained for the AKC’s Canine Good Certificate Test to enter the Therapy Dog Programs such as the National Delta Society, and need to fulfill the Therapy Dog International requirements as well.





As they are used to treat patients, they need to be trained to be patient and obedient, accept other people approaching them, and not get excited and aggressive. By taking them to public places, you can familiarize them with different places and people. Their training should teach them how to behave around people and other dogs, and that it is okay for strangers to pet them.





Dog-Training Advice



Irrespective of what kind of dog you have, following are a few basic techniques applicable to all dogs:



  • Spend as much time as possible with your dog; it would help in understanding your dog better and in strengthening your bond with him/her.


  • Make the training sessions short so that they are not bored by the end of it. Do not cram too many lessons into one training session for effective results.


  • Emphasize on positive reinforcement, as it is important for your canine to associate training with good things.


  • Treat them during and at the end of the training. This encourages them to learn more.


  • Do not scold or punish your dog while training as that would scare him/her and leave a negative feeling about the act of training itself.


  • Consult or hire a professional regarding training for best results.




Training is a must if you want your pet to grow up to be a social dog that respects you and others. If not trained well, dogs are likely to develop behavioral and psychological problems. Remember to ask the breeder what training they have already provided and train your dog to inculcate the best habits in him/her and use this opportunity to form an unbreakable bond for life.